What You'll Learn:

Introduction to LLC and Government Contracts: Discover why forming an LLC is beneficial, and get an overview of the opportunities available in government contracting.

Setting Up Your LLC: Learn every step of establishing an LLC, from choosing a name handling legal requirements to setting up your online presence and communication systems. 

Business & Financial Planning: Gain insight into crafting a robust business plan, managing finances, and exploring funding options.

Prepping for Government Contracts: Understand the essentials of getting your business ready for government bids, including registrations, classifications, and local opportunities.

Establishing Business Credit: Undercover the strategies to build and maintain a strong business credit profile, which is crucial for funding and growth.

Leverage Business Credit for Growth: Learn how to effectively use business credit to expand your business and secure larger contracts. 

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  • Why LLC?: The benefits of operating as an LLC.

  • Exploring the Market: Types of government contracts available.

  • Regulatory Overview: Basics of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other guidelines.

  • Assignment: Research and identify 3 government contracts that your future LLC could potentially bid for.

  • Naming Your LLC: How to choose an effective business name.

  • Legal Requirements: Operating agreement, EIN, and other legal necessities.

  • State-specific Procedures: Filing in your specific state, which, if you're based in St. Louis, would be Missouri.

  • Assignment: Complete your LLC paperwork.

  • Business Plan: Crafting an actionable business plan.

  • Financials 101: Setting up a business bank account, bookkeeping, and basic accounting principles.

  • Startup Funding: Various sources of capital and leveraging personal or business credit.

  • Assignment: Draft a simple business plan and budget.

  • D-U-N-S Number: What it is and how to get it.

  • SAM Registration: Registering with the System for Award Management.

  • NAICS and SIC Codes: Identifying your industry codes.

  • Assignment: Obtain your D-U-N-S Number and complete SAM registration.

  • Understanding Business Credit: What it is and why it's crucial for your LLC.

  • Building Business Credit: Steps to establish and build your business credit profile.

  • Credit Reporting Agencies: How to work with Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax for businesses.

  • Assignment: begin building your LLC's business credit profile

  • Credit Utilization Strategies: How to use credit effectively for business expansion.

  • Accessing Higher Credit Limits and Loans: Techniques for negotiating better credit terms.

  • Risk Management: Balancing debt and growth, understanding credit scores, and managing your credit reputation.

  • Final Project: Develop a strategic plan for leveraging business credit to bid on larger government contracts or expand business operations.